Interim Studies & Commission Listings

All Studies & Commissions

Administrative Rules, Joint Commission on - To review existing agency rules or regulations and agency rules or regulations during the promulgation or final adopt...
Aerospace Advisory Council - To advise the Governor, the Joint Commission on Technology and Science, and the Secretaries of Commerce and Trade, Te...
Aging, Commonwealth Council on - To promote an effective, coordinated approach to meeting the needs of older Virginians.
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Commission - Assist people with Alzheimer's disease and related disorder and their caregivers.
American Revolution 250 Commission - The purpose of the Commission is to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution, the Revolutionary W...
Appalachian Region Interstate Compact Commission - 1.To study, develop, and promote a plan for the design, construction, financing, and operation of interstate faciliti...
Autism Advisory Council - To promote coordination of services and resources among agencies involved in the delivery of services to Virginians w...
Behavioral Health Commission - Studying and making recommendations for the improvement of behavioral health services and the behavioral health servi...
Best State for Veterans Work Group, Department of Veterans Services - The Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Services shall convene a work group to study and develop recommendatio...
Block Grants - To ensure the continued receipt of federal funds pursuant to the Preventive Health and Human Services Block Grant, th...
Booker T. Washington Commemorative Commission - Study and recommend to the Senate of Virginia an appropriate statue in the Old Senate Chamber to commemorate the lif...
Bristol Virginia Utilities (BVU) Authority Board of Directors - BVU Authority; Board powers, officers; broadband; FOIA. Reduces from nine to seven the number of directors on the Boa...
Broadband Advisory Council - The purpose of the Council shall be to advise the Governor on policy and funding priorities to expedite deployment an...
Brown v. Board of Education Scholarship Committee - Evaluate applications for and select recipients of the Brown v. Board of Education scholarships.
Business Development and Marketing, Committee on - The Committee shall advise the Board on all matters relating to business development and marketing and shall make suc...
Cannabis Equity Reinvestment Board - The purposes of the Cannabis Equity Reinvestment Board is to directly address the impact of economic disinvestment, v...
Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council - The purpose of the Council is to assess and monitor public health issues, trends, and impacts related to marijuana le...
Capitol Square Preservation Council - The Council shall assess the architectural, historical, archeological and landscape features of Capitol Square and an...
Central Virginia Transportation Authority - Authority administers transportation funding for counties, cities, and towns located in Planning District 15 that is ...
Charitable Gaming Board - The purpose of the Board (within the executive branch of government) shall be to advise the Department of Agriculture...
Chesapeake Bay Commission - To assist the legislatures of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania in evaluating and responding to problems of mutual ...
Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Advisory Committee - To advise the General Assembly on the expenditure of moneys received in the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund
Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan Group - The Group shall develop a year-to-year timeline for achieving specific metrics for the achievement of the Commonweal...
Children's Services, State Executive Council for - To oversee the administration of Office of Children's Services and make such decisions as may be necessary to carry o...
Child Support Guidelines Review Panel - Review Child Support Guidelines established pursuant to § 20-108.2 H. The Panel shall determine the adequacy of the g...
Civic Education, Commission on - The purposes of the Commission are to (i) educate students on the importance of citizen involvement in a representat...
Clean Energy Advisory Board - The Clean Energy Advisory Board (the Board) is established as an advisory board in the executive branch of state gove...
Coal and Energy, Virginia Commission on - To study all aspects of coal as an energy resource and endeavor to stimulate, encourage, promote, and assist in the d...
Coalfields Expressway Authority, Virginia - The Virginia Coalfields Expressway Authority (the Authority) is established as a body politic and corporate, a polit...
Code Commission - The Commission is charged with the responsibility of publishing and maintaining a Code of the general and permanent s...
Commission on School Construction and Modernization - Assesses the Commonwealth's school facilities and determines school construction and modernization funding needs; ide...
Commission to Investigate the May 31, 2019, Virginia Beach Mass Shooting - Independent commission to conduct an independent, thorough, objective incident review of the May 31, 2019, tragedy an...
Commission to Study Slavery and Subsequent De Jure and De Facto Racial and Economic Discrimination Against African Americans - To study the current impact and long-term inequities of slavery and subsequent de jure and de facto racial and econom...
Commonwealth Health Research Board - Provide financial support, in the form of grants, donations, or other assistance, for research efforts that have the ...
Commonwealth of Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority - The Authority is created to support the life cycle of innovation, from translational research; to entrepreneurship; t...
Commonwealth Savers Plan Board - To administer the Virginia College Savings Plan established to enhance the accessibility and affordability of higher ...
Community Integration Advisory Commission - To monitor the progress of all executive branch state agencies toward community integration of Virginians with disabi...
Corrections Oversight Committee - To monitor the activities of the Ombudsman and the Department of Corrections.
Crime Commission, Virginia State - Study, report and make recommendations on all areas of public safety and protection.
Criminal Justice Services Board - Supervisory board of the Department of Criminal Justice Services which is the planning and coordinating agency respon...
Criminal Sentencing Commission - To develop discretionary sentencing guidelines to achieve the goals of certainty, consistency, and adequacy of punish...
Disability Commission - To identify and recommend legislative priorities and policies for adoption or examination by the General Assembly in ...
Disbursement Review Committee - Provide input to the Attorney General on forfeitures through the U.S. Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program ...
District Courts, Committee on - Authorizing the appointment of substitute judges pursuant to § 16.1-69.14, authorizing the establishment of clerks' o...
Early Childhood Care and Education, Commission - Provide recommendations for and tracking progress on the financing of a comprehensive birth-to-five early childhood ...
Early Childhood Care and Education, Joint Subcommittee - to (i) review the cost-effectiveness of federal and state funding used to improve Virginia's early childhood care...
Eastern Virginia Health Sciences Center Board of Directors at Old Dominion University - To oversee the Eastern Virginia Health Sciences Center at Old Dominion University and exercise such decision-making a...
Economic Development Partnership Authority, Virginia - To encourage, stimulate and support the development and expansion of the economy of the Commonwealth through economic...
Economists, Joint Advisory Board of - To review with respect to economic assumptions and technical econometric methodology, the estimates of anticipated ge...
Education Commission of the States - To improve public education by facilitating the exchange of information, ideas and experiences among state policymake...
Electric Utility Regulation, Commission on - The purpose of the Commission is to monitor the State Corporation Commission's implementation of the Virginia Electri...
Electric Vehicle Rebate Program Advisory Council - The Electric Vehicle Rebate Program Advisory Council is established to monitor the implementation and operation of th...
Elementary & Secondary Education Funding, Joint Subcommittee to Study - To provide on-going direction and oversight of the Standards of Quality funding cost policies and to make recommendat...
Employment Service Organization Steering Committee - The Employment Service Organization Steering Committee (the Committee) is established as an advisory board, within th...
End Hunger, Virginia Commission to - To develop an action plan every two years for ending hunger in the Commonwealth, review the progress of such plan, an...
Enslaved African Americans in Virginia, Task Force to Assist in Identification of the History of Formerly - Task Force shall assist the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Foundation 1. Promote the identification, prese...
Ethics Advisory Council, Virginia Conflict of Interest and - The Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council is an advisory council in the legislative branch to enc...
Ethics Advisory Panel, House - To inquire into any alleged violation of Articles 2 through 5 (§ 30-102 et seq.) of this chapter by any member of the...
Ethics Advisory Panel, Senate - Code § 30-112
Ethics Laws of the Commonwealth, Joint Subcommittee to Study - To study the current ethics laws of the Commonwealth
Fentanyl and Heroin Enforcement Task Force - To study ways to enhance the ability of law-enforcement officers throughout the Commonwealth to combat the illegal ma...
Flooding, Joint Subcommittee on Recurrent - In conducting its study, the joint subcommittee shall recommend short-term and long-term strategies for minimizing th...
Forensic Science Board - Policy Board
Fort Monroe Authority Board of Trustees - To govern the Fort Monroe Authority
Freedom of Information Advisory Council - To encourage and facilitate compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia, Board of Trustees - To construct, operate, and maintain, in the Augusta County, Staunton and Waynesboro areas of the Commonwealth, an out...
Future, Council on Virginia's - To advise the Governor and the General Assembly on the implementation of the Roadmap for Virginia's Future process.
Geographic Information Network Advisory Board - To advise the Geographic Information Network Division of the Department of Emergency Management on issues related to ...
Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates - Review revenue estimates with respect to economic assumptions and the general climate of the Commonwealth.
Growth and Opportunity Board, Virginia - The Virginia Growth and Opportunity Board is established as a policy board in the executive branch of state governmen...
Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission - The Commission is created as a political subdivision of the Commonwealth. The Commission shall embrace each county an...
Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization Board - To develop as part of a long-range plan quantifiable measures and achievable goals for the Hampton Roads metropolitan...
Health and Human Resources Oversight, Joint Subcommittee for - The Joint Subcommittee shall monitor, evaluate and respond to federal legislation that repeals, amends or replaces t...
Health Care, Joint Commission on - To study, report and make recommendations on all areas of health care provision, regulation, insurance, liability, li...
Health Insurance Reform Commission - Monitor the work of appropriate federal and state agencies in implementing the provisions of the federal Patient Prot...
Health Workforce Development Authority, Virginia - To provide for the health, welfare, convenience, knowledge, benefit, and prosperity of the residents of the Commonwea...
Henrietta Lacks Commission - The Henrietta Lacks Commission (the Commission) is established as an advisory commission in the executive branch of s...
Higher Education Funding Policies Joint Subcommittee - (i) Prioritize the review of funding related to operations and financial aid; (ii) provide recommendations to improve...
High Speed Rail Compact Commission, Virginia-North Carolina - Coordinate efforts to establish high-speed rail service at the federal, state, and local government levels
Historical Statues in the United States Capitol; Commission for - Commission is to determine who in addition to George Washington should represent Virginia in the National Statuary Ha...
Historic Horse Racing Workgroup - To review the rate and distribution of pari-mutuel pools generated by wagering on historic horse racing at satellite ...
House Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources - Considers matters concerning agriculture; air and water pollution and solid waste disposal; conservation of land and ...
House Appropriations - Considers matters concerning bills and resolutions appropriating general or special funds of the Commonwealth; the bu...
House Communications, Technology and Innovation - Considers matters relating to technology applications and uses other than those proposed or used to support the opera...
House Counties Cities and Towns - Considers matters of local government in the counties, cities, towns, regions or districts, including charters; land ...
House Courts of Justice - Considers matters relating to the Courts of the Commonwealth including the nominations of judges and justices where p...
House Education - Considers matters concerning public education in Virginia to include K-12 education, home schooling standards, charte...
House Finance - Considers matters concerning general and special revenues of the Commonwealth; and taxation matters, including, tax e...
House General Laws - Considers matters concerning alcoholic beverage sales and licensure requirements; emblems of the Commonwealth; cemete...
House Health and Human Services - Considers matters concerning persons with disabilities, other than learning disabilities; public buildings; public he...
House Health, Welfare and Institutions and Public Safety and Senate Judiciary and Rehabilitation and Social Services to Study Staffing Levels, Employment Conditions, and Compensation at the Virginia Department of Corrections; Joint Committee of the - Study of staffing levels, rates of staff turnover, employment conditions, employee health and safety, and employee co...
House Labor and Commerce - Considers all matters concerning banking; commerce; commercial law; corporations; industry; insurance; labor; manufac...
House Privileges and Elections - Considers matters concerning voting; apportionment and redistricting of state legislative and congressional district ...
House Public Safety - Considers matters concerning local police and sheriffs’ departments’ organization and jurisdiction; gun control; and ...
House Rules - Considers matters relating to the rules, operations and practices of the House of Delegates. The committee’s jurisdic...
House Transportation - Considers matters concerning airports, airspaces and airways; laws concerning motor vehicles relating to rules of the...
Information Technology Advisory Council - The ITAC shall be responsible for advising the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Secretary of Administration on...
Institute for Advanced Learning and Research, Board of Trustees - To seek to diversify the Dan River Region's economy by engaging the resources of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and S...
Intercollegiate Athletics Review Commission - To review the plan and financing recommendations of the board of visitors of any public institution of higher educati...
Intergovernmental Cooperation, Virginia Commission on - To encourage and arrange conferences with officials of other states and other units of government; carry forward the ...
International Trade, Committee on - The Committee shall advise the Board on all matters relating to international trade and trade promotion and shall mak...
Interstate 73, Joint Committee to Study - a joint committee of the Senate Committee on Local Government and the Senate Committee on Transportation to study con...
Interstate 81 Committee - Creates an Interstate 81 Committee, tasked with developing and updating a program related to Interstate 81 Corridor s...
Interstate Adult Offender Supervision, State Council for - Exercise oversight and advocacy concerning its participation in interstate commission activities and other duties as ...
Interstate Compact for Juveniles, VA Council - The Council shall exercise oversight and advocacy concerning its participation in interstate commission activities an...
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, Virginia Council on - To remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and depl...
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation Board of Trustees - Do all things necessary and proper to further an appreciation of the contributions of the first permanent English-spe...
Joint Commission on Transportation Accountability - To make performance reviews of operations of state agencies with transportation responsibilities to ascertain that su...
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission - To make performance reviews of operations of state agencies to ascertain that sums appropriated have been, or are bei...
Joint Rules - Joint subcommittee of House and Senate members .
Joint Subcommittee on Tax Policy - The goals and objectives of the Joint Subcommittee shall include (i) evaluating the fiscal impact of amendments to ta...
Joint Subcommittee to Study Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform - Establishes a joint subcommittee to study comprehensive campaign finance reform in the Commonwealth. In conducting it...
Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Courts - There is hereby established a Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Courts whose active members shall be the j...
Judicial Council of Virginia - Study the organization and the rules and methods of procedure and practice of the judicial system, the work accomplis...
Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission - To investigate charges arising out of the present or any prior term of office which would be the basis for retirement...
Juvenile Justice, Advisory Committee on - Advise and assist all agencies on matters related to the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency and the adm...
King, Jr., Dr. Martin Luther, Memorial Commission - To identify, plan, develop, and implement appropriate programs and events that further the philosophy and memory of D...
Land Conservation Foundation, Board of Trustees - Prepare a comprehensive plan that recognizes and seeks to implement all of the purposes for which the Foundation is c...
Large Animal Veterinarians, Board of Veterinary Medicine to study Shortage of - The Board of Veterinary Medicine, in consultation with the State Veterinarian, be requested to study the shortage of ...
Legislative Support Commission - To supervise the printing and distribution of bills, resolutions, joint resolutions, House documents, Senate document...
Local Government Fiscal Stress, Joint Subcommittee on - The goals and objectives of the Joint Subcommittee will be to review (i) savings opportunities from increased regiona...
Maintaining Campus Safety and First Amendment Expression, House Select Committee on - To understand policies in place at Virginia's colleges and universities for allowing students to exercise their prote...
Manufacturing Development Commission - To assess needs and formulate legislative and regulatory remedies to ensure the future of the manufacturing sector.
Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures, Task Force on - The Task Force on Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures is established for the purpose of evaluating maternal hea...
MEI Project Approval Commission - To review financing for individual incentive packages for Major Employment and Investment projects to be financed by ...
Metro Reform Commission - There is hereby created the Metro Reform Commission. The Commission shall consist of four members appointed as follo...
Military Advisory Council, Virginia - Provide for direct communications between the Commonwealth and the armed forces of the United States, and to advise t...
Modeling and Simulation Advisory Council - To advise the Governor on policy and funding priorities to promote the modeling and simulation industry in the Commo...
National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board - The Transportation Planning Board is the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Metropolitan Washington Area resp...
New College Institute Board - Seek to diversify the region's economy by engaging the resources of other institutions of higher education, public an...
Northern Virginia Growing Needs of Public Transit Joint Subcommittee - To study long-term, sustainable, dedicated operations and capital funding as well as cost-containment controls and s...
Northern Virginia Transportation Authority - Prepare a regional transportation plan for Planning District Eight to include transportation improvements of regional...
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission - Manage and control the functions, affairs, and property of the Northern Virginia Transportation District.
Online Virginia Network Authority - The Online Virginia Network Authority (the Authority) is established as a political subdivision of the Commonwealth f...
Opioid Abatement Authority - The purpose of the Authority is to abate and remediate the opioid epidemic in the Commonwealth through financial supp...
Overtime Issues Review Work Group - The Secretary of Labor shall convene a work group to review overtime issues pursuant to § 40.1-29.2 of the Code of V...
Pandemic Response and Preparedness Joint Subcommittee - To study pandemic response and preparedness in the Commonwealth
Parent Data Portal Advisory Work Group - Advise the Board of Education on the criteria for and process of procuring the goods and services necessary to implem...
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders (PANS) Associated with Streptococcal Infections and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANDAS), Advisory Council on - There is hereby created in the executive branch of state government the Advisory Council on Pediatric Autoimmune Ne...
Percentage of Charitable Gaming Receipts to be Used for Required Purposes, Joint Subcommittee to Study - The joint subcommittee is charged with analyzing and making recommendations, as appropriate, regarding (i) the percen...
Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission - Manage and control the functions, affairs and property of the Potomac Rappahannock Transportation District.
Potomac River Basin Commission - Abatement of existing pollution and the control of future pollution of interstate streams located within the Potomac ...
Public Private Partnership Advisory Commission - The purpose of the Commission shall be to advise responsible public entities that are agencies or institutions of the...
Public Private Partnership Oversight Committee - Review and approve the terms of contracts under § 58.1-202.2 relating to the measurement of the revenue attributable ...
Rappahannock River Basin Commission - Provide guidance for the stewardship and enhancement of the water quality and natural resources of the Rappahannock R...
Reapportionment Committee Joint - Supervise activities required for the tabulation of population for the census and the timely reception of precinct po...
Recreational Facilities Authority, Virginia - To (i) provide a high quality recreational attraction in the western part of the Commonwealth; (ii) expand the histor...
Redistricting Commission, Virginia - The Virginia Redistricting Commission is established in the legislative branch of state government. It shall be conve...
Regulations, The State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Work Group on - The Department shall convene a work group to propose additional regulations to allow for the use of (i) evidence-bas...
Research & Technology Investment Advisory Committee (RTIAC) - The Advisory Committee shall be administered by and advise the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority.
Roanoke Higher Education Authority - To expand access to higher education in the Roanoke Valley by providing for adult and continuing education and degree...
Roanoke River Basin Advisory Committee, Virginia - Assist the Roanoke River Basin Bi-State Commission in fulfilling their duties and carrying out the objectives of the ...
Roanoke River Bi-State Commission, Virginia Delegation of the - Provide guidance, conduct joint meetings and make recommendations regarding the use, stewardship and enhancement of t...
Rural and Small Town Health Care, House Select Committee on Advancing - To study challenges faced by rural counties and small towns in accessing quality health care, including workforce iss...
Rural Virginia Board of Trustees, Frank M. Ruff, Jr. Center for - Sustain economic growth in the rural areas of the Commonwealth.
School Health Services Committee - To review and provide advice to the General Assembly and other policy makers regarding proposals that require local s...
Secure and Resilient Commonwealth Panel - To monitor and assess the implementation of statewide prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery initiatives an...
Senate Agriculture Conservation and Natural Resources - Meets on Thursday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning agriculture; ai...
Senate Commerce & Labor - Meets on Monday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider all matters concerning banking; co...
Senate Courts of Justice - Meets on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters relat...
Senate Education & Health - Meets on Thursday mornings when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning education; human ...
Senate Finance and Appropriations - Meets on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning audi...
Senate General Laws and Technology - Meets on Monday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning affirmation and b...
Senate Privileges & Elections - Meets on Tuesday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning voting; apportio...
Senate Rehabilitation & Social Services - Meets Friday mornings during session. To consider matters concerning alcoholic beverages; correctional and penal i...
Senate Rules - Meets upon the call of the Chair during session. The Committee shall consider all resolutions amending or altering t...
Senate Transportation - Meets on Wednesday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning airports; airs...
Services for Survivors of Sexual Assault, Task Force on - Develops model treatment and transfer plans for use by transfer hospitals, treatment hospitals, and pediatric health ...
Sexual and Domestic Violence, Advisory Committee on - The Advisory Committee is an advisory committee in the executive branch of state government. The Advisory Committee s...
Small Business Commission - To study, report and make recommendations on issues of concern to small businesses in the Commonwealth.
Small Business Environmental Compliance Advisory Panel - Render advisory opinions concerning the effectiveness of the Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environme...
Solar Energy Development and Energy Storage Authority - Virginia Solar Energy Development and Energy Storage Authority is created as a a political subdivision with only thos...
Southern States Energy Board - Provide instruments and framework for the proper employment and conservation of energy and energy related facilities,...
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center Board of Trustees - To encourage the expansion of higher education, including adult and continuing education, associate, undergraduate, a...
Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation - To encourage the economic development of Southwest Virginia through the expansion of cultural heritage ventures and i...
Southwest Virginia Energy Research and Development Authority - Creates the Southwest Virginia Energy Research and Development Authority (the Authority) to promote opportunities for...
Southwest Virginia Health Authority - The Authority may acquire, construct, equip, establish, improve, maintain, and/or operate hospitals or health centers...
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center Board of Trustees - Encourage and coordinate the development and delivery of continuing education programs offered by those educational i...
Southwest Virginia Public Education Consortium Governing Board - Coordinate with those educational institutions and agencies in the Commonwealth and surrounding areas to develop join...
Special Education and Related Services, Department of Education Advisory Committee - To support the Department of Education concerning Special Education and Related Services
State Board of Local and Regional Jails Work Group to Review the Reduction or Elimination of Costs and Fees Charged to Inmates - To review and make recommendations regarding the reduction or elimination of costs and fees charged to inmates in loc...
Tax Preferences, Joint Subcommittee to Evaluate - To oversee the evaluation of Virginia's tax preferences, including but not limited to tax credits, deductions, subtra...
Teacher Education and Licensure, Advisory Board - The Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure shall advise the Board of Education and submit recommendations...
Technology and Science, Joint Commission on - Study all aspects of technology and science and endeavor to stimulate, encourage, promote, and assist in the developm...
Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission - Determine the appropriate recipients of moneys in the Tobacco Region Revolving Fund and causing distribution of such ...
Transparency in Publicly Funded Animal Testing Facilities, Task Force on - To identify potential deficiencies in publicly funded animal testing facilities, in the Commonwealth and recommending...
Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads - The Commission prepares the transportation plan for the transportation district and revises and amends the plan in ac...
Unemployment Compensation, Commission on - Annually monitor and evaluate Virginia's unemployment compensation system relative to the economic health of the Comm...
Uprooting of Black Communities by Public Institutions of Higher Education in the Commonwealth, Commission to Study the History of the - To study whether any public institution of higher education has purchased, expropriated, or otherwise taken possessi...
VA529 Defined Benefit Trust Fund, Workgroup to Review 2022 Report from JLARC on - The workgroup shall review the considerations set forth in the JLARC report and produce recommendations.
Veterans' Benefits Matters Work Group - To examine and make recommendations regarding the practice of persons receiving compensation for assisting any indiv...
Veterans Services, Board of - Advise the Director of the Department of Veterans' Services on matters relating to veterans.
Veterans Services Foundation, Board of Trustees - The Foundation shall (i) administer the Veterans Services Fund (the Fund), (ii) provide funding for veterans services...
Virginia Addiction Recovery Council - Advise and make recommendations on policies and goals and on the coordination of the Commonwealth's public and privat...
Virginia African American Advisory Board - The Virginia African American Advisory Board (the Board) is established as an advisory board in the executive branch ...
Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program, Commission on - Administer and supervise the state system of local alcohol safety action programs, develop and maintain operation and...
Virginia Commissioners for Promotion of Uniformity of Legislation - It shall be the duty of such Commissioners to examine subjects on which uniformity is desirable, to ascertain the bes...
Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Authority, Board of Directors - Provide, promote, support and sponsor education, public knowledge and scientific research in medicine, public health ...
Virginia Data Advisory Commission - The Virginia Data Advisory Commission, an advisory commission in the executive branch of state government, advises th...
Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth - To determine the appropriate recipients of money in the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Fund and causing distribution of ...
Virginia Gaming Commission, Joint subcommittee to study the feasibility of establishing - To study the feasibility of establishing the Virginia Gaming Commission to regulate and oversee all forms of gaming i...
Virginia Health Sciences Center at Old Dominion University, Board of Directors - The Board shall generally direct the affairs of the Medical School
Virginia Housing Commission - To study and provide recommendations to ensure and foster the availability of safe, sound, and affordable housing for...
Virginia Indian Commemorative Commission - To determine and recommend to the General Assembly an appropriate monument in Capitol Square to commemorate the life,...
Virginia Indigent Defense Commission - To develop and publicize a list of and develop and enforce the qualification standards for attorneys seeking eligibil...
Virginia Israel Advisory Board - Advise the Governor on ways to improve economic and cultural links between the Commonwealth and the State of Israel, ...
Virginia Minority Business Commission - Evaluates the impact of existing statutes and proposed legislation on minority businesses, assesses the Commonwealth'...
Virginia Retirement System, Board of Trustees - Administer the Virginia Retirement System: a retirement system for teachers, state employees, and employees of local ...
Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind, Board of Visitors - Governing the educational programs and services to deaf, blind, and multi-disable students enrolled at the Virginia S...
Virginia Tribes, Commission on Updating Virginia Law to Reflect Federal Recognition of, - For the purpose of performing a comprehensive review of Virginia law to assess ways in which it must be revised to re...
Volunteer Firefighter's and Rescue Squad Worker's Service Award Fund Board - With the assistance of the Virginia Retirement System - to establish, invest, and maintain the Volunteer Firefighter'...
Water Commission, State - Study all aspects of water supply and allocation problems in the Commonwealth.
Western Virginia Public Education Consortium - Coordinate with organizations and agencies providing programs and services to Consortium schools division to reduce d...
Women of Virginia, Commemorative Commission to Honor the Contributions of the - The Commission shall determine and recommend to the General Assembly an appropriate monument in Capitol Square to com...
Women's Monument, Commission for the Continuing Preservation and Development of the Virginia - To review names submitted for inclusion on the Wall of Honor
Workforce Development, Secretary of Labor Work Group on - For the purpose of advising the Secretary during the program transition period from July 1, 2023, through September 3...
Workforce Development, Virginia Board of - Assist the Governor in meeting workforce training needs in the Commonwealth.
Youth, Commission on - Study and provide recommendations addressing the needs of and services to the Commonwealth's youths and their families.

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