Interim Studies & Commission Listings

Technology and Science, Joint Commission on

All members appointed by Speaker of the House. Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
The Honorable C. E. (Cliff) Hayes Jr., Chair
The Honorable Michael J. Webert
The Honorable Mike A. Cherry
The Honorable Anne Ferrell H. Tata
The Honorable Bonita G. Anthony
The Honorable Michelle Lopes Maldonado
The Honorable David A. Reid
All members appointed by Senate Committee on Rules. Appointment coincident with Senate term.
Senate Members:
The Honorable Adam P. Ebbin, Vice Chair
The Honorable Barbara A. Favola
The Honorable Ghazala F. Hashmi
The Honorable Lashrecse D. Aird
The Honorable Christie New Craig
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 7 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 5 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 0
Max # Ex Officio: 0
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