Interim Studies & Commission Listings

Senate Courts of Justice

  • Description: Meets on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters relating to the Courts of the Commonwealth and the Justices and Judges thereof, including the nominations of such Justices and Judges where provided by the Constitution and statutes of Virginia; and all matters concerning the criminal laws of the Commonwealth; together with all matters concerning contracts, domestic relations, eminent domain, fiduciaries, firearms, garnishments, homestead and all other exemptions, immigration (with the exception of matters relating to the powers of the Governor or education), magistrates, mechanics' and other liens, notaries public and out-of-state commissioners, property and conveyances (except landlord and tenant and condominium matters), wills and decedents' estates. It shall report to the Senate the names of such persons as it shall find qualified for election as a Justice or Judge of the Commonwealth.
  • Staff Contact:

    Hobie Lehman, Senate Committee Operations,, 804.698.7450
    Charles Quagliato, Division of Legislative Services,
    Sabrina Miller-Bryson, Division of Legislative Services,
    Shannon Heard, Division of Legislative Services,

All members appointed by Senate of Virginia. Appointment coincident with Senate term.
Senate Members:
The Honorable Scott A. Surovell, Chair
The Honorable Mark D. Obenshain
The Honorable Ryan T. McDougle
The Honorable R. Creigh Deeds
The Honorable Richard H. Stuart
The Honorable William M. Stanley Jr.
The Honorable Jennifer B. Boysko
The Honorable Mark J. Peake
The Honorable Lamont Bagby
The Honorable Emily M. Jordan
The Honorable Lashrecse D. Aird
The Honorable Jennifer D. Carroll Foy
The Honorable Russet W. Perry
The Honorable Saddam Azlan Salim
The Honorable Barbara A. Favola
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 0 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 15 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 0
Max # Ex Officio: 0
09/17/2014   Judicial Interviews - With Schedule
11/10/2014   Judicial Interviews - With Schedule
12/12/2014   Judicial Interviews - Schedule
12/12/2014   Judicial Interviews
01/19/2015   Judicial Interviews
01/19/2015   Judicial Interviews
02/23/2015   Judicial Interviews
08/17/2015   Judicial Interviews -Update
12/11/2015   Judicial Interviews
01/13/2016   Joint House & Senate Courts Meeting
01/18/2016   Judicial Interview
12/02/2016   Judicial Interviews-Updated Schedule
02/17/2017   Judicial Interviews - Schedule
02/20/2017   Judicial Interview
12/08/2017   Judicial Interviews - Schedule
02/23/2018   Joint Judicial Interview, upon adjournment of Senate or House Courts of Justice, whichever is later
12/07/2018   Judicial Interviews - Updated Schedule
07/09/2019   Meeting
12/06/2019   Judicial Interviews
07/10/2020   Joint Meeting
07/28/2020   Updated Meeting - Agenda Attached
12/11/2020   Joint Meeting
08/10/2021   Judicial Interviews
12/10/2021   Joint Meeting of the House Committee for Courts of Justice and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary - Judicial Interviews - Friday, Dec. 10
06/17/2022   Judicial Interview
12/09/2022   Joint Meeting - Agenda
12/15/2023   Joint Senate and House Judicial Interviews - interview schedule update
07/01/2024   ***CANCELLED*** Joint Meeting of the Senate and House Courts of Justice Committees
08/12/2024   Joint Meeting of the Senate and House Courts of Justice Committees
12/13/2024   Updated: Schedule Added - Joint Meeting of the Senate and House Courts of Justice Committees
02/17/2025   Joint Meeting of the Senate and House Courts of Justice Committees
04/01/2025   Joint Meeting of the Senate and House Courts of Justice Committees
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