Interim Studies & Commission Listings

Secure and Resilient Commonwealth Panel

  • Description: To monitor and assess the implementation of statewide prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery initiatives and where necessary to review, evaluate, and make recommendations relating to the emergency preparedness of government at all levels in the Commonwealth. Additionally, the Panel shall facilitate cabinet-level coordination among the various agencies of state government related to emergency preparedness and shall facilitate private sector preparedness and communication.
  • Staff Contact:

    Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security

Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
Name Appointed By
The Honorable Marcus B. Simon, Chair, House Committee on Public Safety By Statute
The Honorable Paul E. Krizek, Member of House Appropriations - Transportation & Public Safety subcommittee Speaker of the House
The Honorable Tony O. Wilt Speaker of the House
The Honorable Rozia A. Henson Jr. Speaker of the House
All members appointed by Senate Committee on Rules. Appointment coincident with Senate term.
Senate Members:
The Honorable Adam P. Ebbin, Chair, Senate General Laws and Technology Committee
The Honorable Bryce E. Reeves
The Honorable Ryan T. McDougle, Member, Senate Finance Committee Subcommittee on Public Safety
The Honorable Angelia Williams Graves
Citizen Members:
Name Representing Appointed By Term
Margaret Vanderhye Senate Committee on Rules Expires 06/30/2026
Jeffrey L. McWaters Senate Committee on Rules Expires 06/30/2027
Michael McGarrity Speaker of the House Expires 06/30/2026
Dan Schultz Speaker of the House Expires 06/30/2027
15 Citizens Governor  
Ex Officio Members:
Name Title
The Honorable Winsome Sears Lieutenant Governor
The Honorable Jason S. Miyares Attorney General
The Honorable Terrance Cole Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security
The Honorable Karl R. Hade Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia
Craig Crenshaw Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs
The Honorable Juan Pablo Segura Secretary of Commerce and Trade
The Honorable W. Sheppard Miller III Secretary of Transportation
The Honorable Janet Kelly Secretary of Health and Human Resources
The Honorable Keyanna Conner Secretary of Administration (former)
Curtis Brown State Coordinator of Emergency Management
Colonel Gary T. Settle Superintendent, State Police
Major General Daniel E. Long Jr. Adjutant General or designee
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 4 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 4 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 19
Max # Ex Officio: 12
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