Interim Studies & Commission Listings

House Public Safety

    House Standing Committee
  • Description: Considers matters concerning local police and sheriffs’ departments’ organization and jurisdiction; gun control; and homeland security.
All members appointed by Speaker of the House. Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
The Honorable Marcus B. Simon, Chair
The Honorable Candi Mundon King, Vice Chair
The Honorable Patrick A. Hope
The Honorable Alfonso H. Lopez
The Honorable Sam Rasoul
The Honorable Nadarius E. Clark
The Honorable Dan Helmer
The Honorable Holly M. Seibold
The Honorable Adele Y. McClure
The Honorable Rae C. Cousins
The Honorable Josh Thomas
The Honorable Michael Feggans
The Honorable Tony O. Wilt
The Honorable Michael J. Webert
The Honorable Amanda E. Batten
The Honorable A.C. Cordoza
The Honorable Kimberly A. Taylor
The Honorable N. Baxter Ennis
The Honorable Delores Oates
The Honorable Joseph C. Obenshain
The Honorable David L. Owen
The Honorable Eric J. Phillips
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 22 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 0 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 0
Max # Ex Officio: 0
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