Interim Studies & Commission Listings

When trying to create legislation that solves complex challenges, it may be necessary to perform a legislative study or create a commission to deal with subject matter. Such studies and the commissions that carry out research for them often meet on Capitol Square. Detailed listings of these groups and their memberships can be found with the menuing options below.

Rural and Small Town Health Care, House Select Committee on Advancing - INACTIVE

All members appointed by Speaker of the House. Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
The Honorable Rodney T. Willett, Chair
The Honorable Robert D. Orrock Sr., Vice Chair
The Honorable Mark D. Sickles
The Honorable Candi Mundon King
The Honorable Nadarius E. Clark
The Honorable Joshua G. Cole
The Honorable Kannan Srinivasan
The Honorable Amy J. Laufer
The Honorable Israel D. O'Quinn
The Honorable Ellen H. Campbell
The Honorable Daniel W. Marshall III
The Honorable Howard Otto Wachsmann Jr.
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 12 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 0 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 0
Max # Ex Officio: 0
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