Interim Studies & Commission Listings

Behavioral Health Commission

    » Section 30-402
    » Website
  • Description: Studying and making recommendations for the improvement of behavioral health services and the behavioral health service system in the Commonwealth to encourage the adoption of policies to increase the quality and availability of and ensure access to the full continuum of high-quality, effective, and efficient behavioral health services for all persons in the Commonwealth.
  • Workgroups:

  • Report Date: Annually, by the first day of regular session
  • Staff Contact:

    Nathalie Molliet-Ribet, Executive Director,

All members appointed by Speaker of the House. Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
The Honorable Patrick A. Hope, Member, House Committee on Health and Human Services
The Honorable Vivian E. Watts
The Honorable Rodney T. Willett, Member, House Committee on Health and Human Services
The Honorable Adele Y. McClure
The Honorable Carrie E. Coyner, Member of House Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Joseph C. Obenshain
The Honorable Ellen H. Campbell, Member of House Appropriations Committee
All members appointed by Senate Committee on Rules. Appointment coincident with Senate term.
Senate Members:
The Honorable R. Creigh Deeds, Member, Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Barbara A. Favola, Member, Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Lashrecse D. Aird, Member, Senate Committee on Education and Health
The Honorable Tara A. Durant, Member, Senate Committee on Education and Health
The Honorable Russet W. Perry, Member, Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 7 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 5 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 0
Max # Ex Officio: 0
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