Interim Studies & Commission Listings

House Counties Cities and Towns

    House Standing Committee
  • Description: Considers matters of local government in the counties, cities, towns, regions or districts, including charters; land use planning and development, including growth control measures; local planning boards, commissions and authorities, except matters relating to the compensation or election of officeholders, or matters involving expenditure of state funds.
  • Staff Contact:

    Jeff Sharp, Division of Legislative Services, 804-698-1864

All members appointed by Speaker of the House. Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
The Honorable Candi Mundon King, Chair
The Honorable Elizabeth B. Bennett-Parker, Vice Chair
The Honorable Briana D. Sewell
The Honorable Irene Shin
The Honorable Shelly A. Simonds
The Honorable Alex Q. Askew
The Honorable Atoosa R. Reaser
The Honorable Katrina E. Callsen
The Honorable Laura Jane Cohen
The Honorable Michael J. Jones
The Honorable Debra D. Gardner
The Honorable Fernando J. Martinez
The Honorable Luke E. Torian
The Honorable James W. (Will) Morefield
The Honorable M. Keith Hodges
The Honorable Joseph P. McNamara
The Honorable Scott A. Wyatt
The Honorable Anne Ferrell H. Tata
The Honorable Ellen H. Campbell
The Honorable Delores Oates
The Honorable Geary M. Higgins
The Honorable Ian T. Lovejoy
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 22 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 0 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 0
Max # Ex Officio: 0
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