Interim Studies & Commission Listings

Block Grants

    SJR 223 (1993)
  • Description: To ensure the continued receipt of federal funds pursuant to the Preventive Health and Human Services Block Grant, the Community Services Block Grant, or any other federal block grant program requiring legislative public hearings.
  • Report Date: The Subcommittee shall be continued for so long as federal law requires legislative hearings as a condition of any application for or receipt of any federal block grant moneys.
  • Expiration Date: The Subcommittee shall be continued for so long as federal law requires legislative hearings as a condition of any application for or receipt of any federal block grant moneys.
  • Staff Contact:

    Julia Carlton, Division of Legislative Services,
    Hobie Lehman, Senate Committee Operations,

All members appointed by Speaker of the House. Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
The Honorable Paul E. Krizek
The Honorable Joseph P. McNamara
The Honorable Wendell S. Walker
The Honorable Elizabeth B. Bennett-Parker
The Honorable Katrina E. Callsen
The Honorable Nadarius E. Clark
The Honorable Amy J. Laufer
The Honorable Fernando J. Martinez
All members appointed by Senate Committee on Rules. Appointment coincident with Senate term.
Senate Members:
The Honorable David R. Suetterlein, Chair
The Honorable L. Louise Lucas
The Honorable Adam P. Ebbin
The Honorable Bill DeSteph
The Honorable Angelia Williams Graves
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 8 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 5 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 0
Max # Ex Officio: 0
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