Interim Studies & Commission Listings

Flooding, Joint Subcommittee on Recurrent

  • Description: In conducting its study, the joint subcommittee shall recommend short-term and long-term strategies for minimizing the impact of flooding.
  • Report Date: First day of the Regular Session of the General Assembly in 2026 and 2027.
  • Expiration Date: November 30, 2026
  • Staff Contact:

    Jeff Sharp, Division of Legislative Services,
    Lindley Griffin, Senate Committee Operations,

All members appointed by Speaker of the House. Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
Vacancy (Hodges, The Honorable M. Keith) Speaker of the House  
Vacancy (Convirs-Fowler, The Honorable Kelly K.) Speaker of the House  
Vacancy (Ransone, The Honorable Margaret B.) Speaker of the House  
Vacancy (Keam, The Honorable Mark L.) Speaker of the House  
Vacancy (Askew, The Honorable Alex Q.) Speaker of the House  
All members appointed by Senate Committee on Rules. Appointment coincident with Senate term.
Senate Members:
The Honorable Mamie E. Locke
The Honorable Bill DeSteph
Vacancy (Lewis, The Honorable Lynwood W. Jr.) Senate Committee on Rules  
Citizen Members:
Name Representing Appointed By Term
Vacancy (McClellan, Andria) Senate Committee on Rules  
Vacancy (Wood, The Honorable James) Senate Committee on Rules  
Vacancy (Bouchard, The Honorable Joseph) Speaker of the House  
Vacancy (Stone, Chris) Speaker of the House  
Vacancy (Bowie, Mr. Richard "Tuck" L.) Speaker of the House  
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 5 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 3 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 5
Max # Ex Officio: 0
07/22/2014   Agenda for July 22nd - 1 PM - House Room C - Richmond
09/10/2014   Meeting - Wednesday, Sept. 10th @ 1 PM in HR C
11/05/2014   Reminder - Wednesday, November 5th @ 1:00 PM @ Old Dominion University, Norfolk
11/24/2014   Monday, November 24th @ 10 AM - House Room D - Richmond
05/12/2015   Reminder - Tuesday, May 12th @ 1 PM - HR C - GAB - Richmond
07/21/2015   Agenda - July 21st @ 1 PM - House Room C - General Assembly Building
09/21/2015   REMINDER - Monday, September 21st @ 1:00 PM - VIMS Campus - Gloucester Point, Virginia
11/09/2015   AGENDA - Monday, November 9th @ 1 PM in HR C - GAB - Richmond
07/06/2016   REMINDER/AGENDA Meeting Date - JULY 6TH @ 1 PM - New Subcommittee Name
09/14/2016   Reminder/Agenda/Parking Information - Wednesday, September 14th, 1:00 PM - Chesapeake Bay Foundation - Brock Center - Virginia Beach
10/17/2016   AGENDA/REMINDER - Monday, October 17th @ 1 PM in HR 1 - State Capitol - Richmond
11/21/2016   CANCELLED - Monday, November 21st @ 1 PM in HR D - GAB - Richmond - CANCELLED
01/10/2017   Tuesday, January 10th @ 2PM in House Room C - GAB - Richmond
01/10/2017   Tuesday, January 10th @ 2PM in House Room C - GAB - Richmond
06/20/2017   REMINDER/AGENDA - Tuesday, June 20th - 1 PM - House Room 1, State Capitol
09/25/2017   AGENDA- REMINDER - Monday - September 25th - 1:00 PM - House Committee Room - Ground Floor - Pocahontas Bldg
10/30/2017   REMINDER/REVISED AGENDA October 30th - Joint Subcommittee on Coastal Flooding - 1:30 pm
12/04/2017   AGENDA - Monday, December 4th - 1:30 PM - House Room 1, State Capitol
06/20/2018   REMINDER/AGENDA Wednesday, June 20th - 1:00 PM - House Committee Room - State Capitol
10/01/2018   AGENDA REMINDER Monday, October 1st - 1:00 PM - House Room 1, State Capitol
12/11/2018   Cancelled—- Tuesday, December 11th Cancelled— 10:00 AM - House Room 2, State Capitol, Richmond
01/07/2019   REMINDER- Monday, January 7th - 1PM - House Room 2, State Capitol, Richmond
05/20/2019    - Monday, May 20th - 1:00 PM - House Room 3 - State Capitol - Richmond - CANCELLED
08/19/2019   REMINDER - Monday, August 19th - 1:30 PM - House Room 3 - State Capitol - Richmond
12/02/2019   UPDATE Monday, December 2 - 1 pm House Room 3 State Capitol Richmond
01/06/2020   Update
09/21/2020   Meeting - Agenda - Presentation
11/04/2020   Meeting
12/21/2020   Meeting
01/12/2021   Meeting
10/04/2021   Meeting
11/22/2021   Meeting
01/10/2022   Meeting
07/18/2022   Meeting - Agenda & Presentations attached
10/06/2022   Meeting
01/09/2023   Agenda Attached - 1/9/23
12/18/2023   CANCELLED- 12/18/23
01/08/2024   New Meeting- 1/8/24
01/08/2024   New Meeting- 1/8/24
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