Interim Studies & Commission Listings

Virginia Indigent Defense Commission

    » Code § 19.2-163.02
    » Website
  • Description: To develop and publicize a list of and develop and enforce the qualification standards for attorneys seeking eligibility to serve as court-appointed counsel for indigent defendants pursuant to § 19.2-159.
  • Report Date: Annually
  • Qualifications: Legislative members shall be the Chairmen of the House and Senate Courts Committees, or their designees who are members of these committees. Persons who are appointed by virtue of their office shall hold terms coincident with their terms of office. If the chairman of the Virginia State Crime Commission is (i) the chairman of the House Committee for Courts of Justice, then the vice-chairman of the Committee shall serve in the position designated for the Committee chairman or (ii) the chairman of the Senate Committee for Courts of Justice, then the Senate Committee on Rules, upon the recommendation of the chairman of the Committee, shall appoint a member of the Committee to serve in the position designated for the Committee chairman. Citizen members shall serve for 3 yrs. with no term limit. At least one of the citizen member appointments made by the Governor, one of the appointments made by the Speaker, and one of the appointments made by the Senate Committee on Rules, shall be an attorney in private practice with a demonstrated interest in indigent defense issues.
  • Staff Contact:

    Maria Jankowski, Executive Director, Indigent Defense Commission
    1604 Santa Rosa Rd., Suite 109, Richmond, VA 23229

All members appointed by By Statute. Appointment coincident with House term.
House Members:
The Honorable Katrina E. Callsen, Designee, Chairman, House Committee for Courts of Justice
All members appointed by By Statute. Appointment coincident with Senate term.
Senate Members:
The Honorable R. Creigh Deeds, Designee, Chairman, Senate Committee for Courts of Justice
Citizen Members:
Name Representing Appointed By Term
Stephen D. Benjamin Attorney in private practice with a demonstrated interest in indigent defense issues Senate Committee on Rules Expires 06/30/2026
Artisha Gregg Citizen-at-large Senate Committee on Rules Expires 06/30/2026
Manuel Leiva Citizen-at-large Senate Committee on Rules Expires 06/30/2027
Michael N. Herring Attorney in private practice with a demonstrated interest in indigent defense issues Speaker of the House Expires 06/30/2027
Guy W. Horsley Jr. Citizen at Large Speaker of the House Expires 06/30/2027
Kent A.P. Smith Governor  
Kristi A. Wooten Governor  
John G. Douglass Virginia State Bar  
David Lett Virginia State Bar  
Vacancy (Mutnick, Steve) Speaker of the House  
Ex Officio Members:
Name Title
Kristen Howard Designee, Chair, Virginia State Crime Commission
The Honorable Karl R. Hade Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia
Membership and Term Information:
Max # House: 1 Appointment Coincident With House Term? YES
Max # Senate: 1 Appointment Coincident With Senate Term? YES
Max # Citizens: 10
Max # Ex Officio: 2
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