Administrative Rules, Joint Commission on - To review existing agency rules or regulations and agency rules or regulations during the promulgation or final adopt... |
Aerospace Advisory Council - To advise the Governor, the Joint Commission on Technology and Science, and the Secretaries of Commerce and Trade, Te... |
Aging, Commonwealth Council on - To promote an effective, coordinated approach to meeting the needs of older Virginians. |
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Commission - Assist people with Alzheimer's disease and related disorder and their caregivers. |
American Revolution 250 Commission - The purpose of the Commission is to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution, the Revolutionary W... |
Appalachian Region Interstate Compact Commission - 1.To study, develop, and promote a plan for the design, construction, financing, and operation of interstate faciliti... |
Autism Advisory Council - To promote coordination of services and resources among agencies involved in the delivery of services to Virginians w... |
Behavioral Health Commission - Studying and making recommendations for the improvement of behavioral health services and the behavioral health servi... |
Best State for Veterans Work Group, Department of Veterans Services - The Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Services shall convene a work group to study and develop recommendatio... |
Block Grants - To ensure the continued receipt of federal funds pursuant to the Preventive Health and Human Services Block Grant, th... |
Booker T. Washington Commemorative Commission - Study and recommend to the Senate of Virginia an appropriate statue in the
Old Senate Chamber to commemorate the lif... |
Bristol Virginia Utilities (BVU) Authority Board of Directors - BVU Authority; Board powers, officers; broadband; FOIA. Reduces from nine to seven the number of directors on the Boa... |
Broadband Advisory Council - The purpose of the Council shall be to advise the Governor on policy and funding priorities to expedite deployment an... |
Brown v. Board of Education Scholarship Committee - Evaluate applications for and select recipients of the Brown v. Board of Education scholarships. |
Business Development and Marketing, Committee on - The Committee shall advise the Board on all matters relating to business development and marketing and shall make suc... |
Cannabis Equity Reinvestment Board - The purposes of the Cannabis Equity Reinvestment Board is to directly address the impact of economic disinvestment, v... |
Cannabis Public Health Advisory Council - The purpose of the Council is to assess and monitor public health issues, trends, and impacts related to marijuana le... |
Capitol Square Preservation Council - The Council shall assess the architectural, historical, archeological and landscape features of Capitol Square and an... |
Central Virginia Transportation Authority - Authority administers transportation funding for counties, cities, and towns located in Planning District 15 that is ... |
Charitable Gaming Board - The purpose of the Board (within the executive branch of government) shall be to advise the Department of Agriculture... |
Chesapeake Bay Commission - To assist the legislatures of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania in evaluating and responding to problems of mutual ... |
Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Advisory Committee - To advise the General Assembly on the expenditure of moneys received in the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund |
Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan Group - The Group shall develop a year-to-year timeline for achieving specific metrics for the achievement of the
Commonweal... |
Children's Services, State Executive Council for - To oversee the administration of Office of Children's Services and make such decisions as may be necessary to carry o... |
Child Support Guidelines Review Panel - Review Child Support Guidelines established pursuant to § 20-108.2 H. The Panel shall determine the adequacy of the g... |
Civic Education, Commission on - The purposes of the Commission are to (i) educate students on the importance of
citizen involvement in a representat... |
Clean Energy Advisory Board - The Clean Energy Advisory Board (the Board) is established as an advisory board in the executive branch of state gove... |
Coal and Energy, Virginia Commission on - To study all aspects of coal as an energy resource and endeavor to stimulate, encourage, promote, and assist in the d... |
Coalfields Expressway Authority, Virginia - The Virginia Coalfields Expressway Authority (the Authority) is established as a body politic and
corporate, a polit... |
Code Commission - The Commission is charged with the responsibility of publishing and maintaining a Code of the general and permanent s... |
Commission on School Construction and Modernization - Assesses the Commonwealth's school facilities and determines school construction and modernization funding needs; ide... |
Commission to Investigate the May 31, 2019, Virginia Beach Mass Shooting - Independent commission to conduct an independent, thorough, objective incident review of the May 31, 2019, tragedy an... |
Commission to Study Slavery and Subsequent De Jure and De Facto Racial and Economic Discrimination Against African Americans - To study the current impact and long-term inequities of slavery and subsequent de jure and de facto racial and econom... |
Commonwealth Health Research Board - Provide financial support, in the form of grants, donations, or other assistance, for research efforts that have the ... |
Commonwealth of Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority - The Authority is created to support the life cycle of innovation, from translational research; to entrepreneurship; t... |
Commonwealth Savers Plan Board - To administer the Virginia College Savings Plan established to enhance the accessibility and affordability of higher ... |
Community Integration Advisory Commission - To monitor the progress of all executive branch state agencies toward community integration of Virginians with disabi... |
Corrections Oversight Committee - To monitor the activities of the Ombudsman and the Department of Corrections. |
Crime Commission, Virginia State - Study, report and make recommendations on all areas of public safety and protection. |
Criminal Justice Services Board - Supervisory board of the Department of Criminal Justice Services which is the planning and coordinating agency respon... |
Criminal Sentencing Commission - To develop discretionary sentencing guidelines to achieve the goals of certainty, consistency, and adequacy of punish... |
Disability Commission - To identify and recommend legislative priorities and policies for adoption or examination by the General Assembly in ... |
Disbursement Review Committee - Provide input to the Attorney General on forfeitures through the U.S. Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program ... |
District Courts, Committee on - Authorizing the appointment of substitute judges pursuant to § 16.1-69.14, authorizing the establishment of clerks' o... |
Early Childhood Care and Education, Commission - Provide recommendations for and tracking progress on the financing of a comprehensive birth-to-five early
childhood ... |
Early Childhood Care and Education, Joint Subcommittee - to (i) review the cost-effectiveness of federal and state funding used to improve Virginia's early childhood care... |
Eastern Virginia Health Sciences Center Board of Directors at Old Dominion University - To oversee the Eastern Virginia Health Sciences Center at Old Dominion University and exercise such decision-making a... |
Economic Development Partnership Authority, Virginia - To encourage, stimulate and support the development and expansion of the economy of the Commonwealth through economic... |
Economists, Joint Advisory Board of - To review with respect to economic assumptions and technical econometric methodology, the estimates of anticipated ge... |
Education Commission of the States - To improve public education by facilitating the exchange of information, ideas and experiences among state policymake... |
Electric Utility Regulation, Commission on - The purpose of the Commission is to monitor the State Corporation Commission's implementation of the Virginia Electri... |
Electric Vehicle Rebate Program Advisory Council - The Electric Vehicle Rebate Program Advisory Council is established to monitor the implementation and operation of th... |
Elementary & Secondary Education Funding, Joint Subcommittee to Study - To provide on-going direction and oversight of the Standards of Quality funding cost policies and to make recommendat... |
Employment Service Organization Steering Committee - The Employment Service Organization Steering Committee (the Committee) is established as an advisory board, within th... |
End Hunger, Virginia Commission to - To develop an action plan every two years for ending hunger in the Commonwealth, review the progress of such plan, an... |
Enslaved African Americans in Virginia, Task Force to Assist in Identification of the History of Formerly - Task Force shall assist the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Foundation
1. Promote the identification, prese... |
Ethics Advisory Council, Virginia Conflict of Interest and - The Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council is an advisory council in the legislative branch to enc... |
Ethics Advisory Panel, House - To inquire into any alleged violation of Articles 2 through 5 (§ 30-102 et seq.) of this chapter by any member of the... |
Ethics Advisory Panel, Senate - Code § 30-112 |
Ethics Laws of the Commonwealth, Joint Subcommittee to Study - To study the current ethics laws of the Commonwealth |
Fentanyl and Heroin Enforcement Task Force - To study ways to enhance the ability of law-enforcement officers throughout the Commonwealth to combat the illegal ma... |
Flooding, Joint Subcommittee on Recurrent - In conducting its study, the joint subcommittee shall recommend short-term and long-term strategies for minimizing th... |
Forensic Science Board - Policy Board |
Fort Monroe Authority Board of Trustees - To govern the Fort Monroe Authority |
Freedom of Information Advisory Council - To encourage and facilitate compliance with the Freedom of Information Act. |
Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia, Board of Trustees - To construct, operate, and maintain, in the Augusta County, Staunton and Waynesboro areas of the Commonwealth, an out... |
Future, Council on Virginia's - To advise the Governor and the General Assembly on the implementation of the Roadmap for Virginia's Future process. |
Geographic Information Network Advisory Board - To advise the Geographic Information Network Division of the Department of Emergency Management on issues related to ... |
Governor's Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates - Review revenue estimates with respect to economic assumptions and the general climate of the Commonwealth. |
Growth and Opportunity Board, Virginia - The Virginia Growth and Opportunity Board is established as a policy board in the executive branch of state governmen... |
Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission - The Commission is created as a political subdivision of the Commonwealth. The Commission shall embrace each county an... |
Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization Board - To develop as part of a long-range plan quantifiable measures and achievable goals for the Hampton Roads metropolitan... |
Health and Human Resources Oversight, Joint Subcommittee for - The Joint Subcommittee shall monitor, evaluate and respond to federal legislation that repeals, amends or replaces t... |
Health Care, Joint Commission on - To study, report and make recommendations on all areas of health care provision, regulation, insurance, liability, li... |
Health Insurance Reform Commission - Monitor the work of appropriate federal and state agencies in implementing the provisions of the federal Patient Prot... |
Health Workforce Development Authority, Virginia - To provide for the health, welfare, convenience, knowledge, benefit, and prosperity of the residents of the Commonwea... |
Henrietta Lacks Commission - The Henrietta Lacks Commission (the Commission) is established as an advisory commission in the executive branch of s... |
Higher Education Funding Policies Joint Subcommittee - (i) Prioritize the review of funding related to operations and financial aid; (ii) provide recommendations to improve... |
High Speed Rail Compact Commission, Virginia-North Carolina - Coordinate efforts to establish high-speed rail service at the federal, state, and local government levels |
Historical Statues in the United States Capitol; Commission for - Commission is to determine who in addition to George Washington should represent Virginia in the National Statuary Ha... |
Historic Horse Racing Workgroup - To review the rate and distribution of pari-mutuel pools generated by wagering on historic horse racing at satellite ... |
House Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources - Considers matters concerning agriculture; air and water pollution and solid waste disposal; conservation of land and ... |
House Appropriations - Considers matters concerning bills and resolutions appropriating general or special funds of the Commonwealth; the bu... |
House Communications, Technology and Innovation - Considers matters relating to technology applications and uses other than those proposed or used to support the opera... |
House Counties Cities and Towns - Considers matters of local government in the counties, cities, towns, regions or districts, including charters; land ... |
House Courts of Justice - Considers matters relating to the Courts of the Commonwealth including the nominations of judges and justices where p... |
House Education - Considers matters concerning public education in Virginia to include K-12 education, home schooling standards, charte... |
House Finance - Considers matters concerning general and special revenues of the Commonwealth; and taxation matters, including, tax e... |
House General Laws - Considers matters concerning alcoholic beverage sales and licensure requirements; emblems of the Commonwealth; cemete... |
House Health and Human Services - Considers matters concerning persons with disabilities, other than learning disabilities; public buildings; public he... |
House Health, Welfare and Institutions and Public Safety and Senate Judiciary and Rehabilitation and Social Services to Study Staffing Levels, Employment Conditions, and Compensation at the Virginia Department of Corrections; Joint Committee of the - Study of staffing levels, rates of staff turnover, employment conditions, employee health and safety, and employee co... |
House Labor and Commerce - Considers all matters concerning banking; commerce; commercial law; corporations; industry; insurance; labor; manufac... |
House Privileges and Elections - Considers matters concerning voting; apportionment and redistricting of state legislative and congressional district ... |
House Public Safety - Considers matters concerning local police and sheriffs’ departments’ organization and jurisdiction; gun control; and ... |
House Rules - Considers matters relating to the rules, operations and practices of the House of Delegates. The committee’s jurisdic... |
House Transportation - Considers matters concerning airports, airspaces and airways; laws concerning motor vehicles relating to rules of the... |
Impacts of Federal Workforce and Funding Reductions, Emergency Committee on the - To study and understand the potential impacts of cuts to the federal civilian workforce and programs and ensure the G... |
Information Technology Advisory Council - The ITAC shall be responsible for advising the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Secretary of Administration on... |
Institute for Advanced Learning and Research, Board of Trustees - To seek to diversify the Dan River Region's economy by engaging the resources of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and S... |
Intercollegiate Athletics Review Commission - To review the plan and financing recommendations of the board of visitors of any public institution of higher educati... |
Intergovernmental Cooperation, Virginia Commission on - To encourage and arrange conferences with officials of other states and other units of government; carry forward the ... |
International Trade, Committee on - The Committee shall advise the Board on all matters relating to international trade and trade promotion and shall mak... |
Interstate 73, Joint Committee to Study - a joint committee of the Senate Committee on Local Government and the Senate Committee on Transportation to study con... |
Interstate 81 Committee - Creates an Interstate 81 Committee, tasked with developing and updating a program related to Interstate 81 Corridor s... |
Interstate Adult Offender Supervision, State Council for - Exercise oversight and advocacy concerning its participation in interstate commission activities and other duties as ... |
Interstate Compact for Juveniles, VA Council - The Council shall exercise oversight and advocacy concerning its participation in interstate commission activities an... |
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, Virginia Council on - To remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and depl... |
Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation Board of Trustees - Do all things necessary and proper to further an appreciation of the contributions of the first permanent English-spe... |
Joint Commission on Transportation Accountability - To make performance reviews of operations of state agencies with transportation responsibilities to ascertain that su... |
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission - To make performance reviews of operations of state agencies to ascertain that sums appropriated have been, or are bei... |
Joint Rules - Joint subcommittee of House and Senate members . |
Joint Subcommittee on Tax Policy - The goals and objectives of the Joint Subcommittee shall include (i) evaluating the fiscal impact of amendments to ta... |
Joint Subcommittee to Study Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform - Establishes a joint subcommittee to study comprehensive campaign finance reform in the Commonwealth. In conducting it... |
Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Courts - There is hereby established a Judicial Conference of Virginia for District Courts whose active members shall be the j... |
Judicial Council of Virginia - Study the organization and the rules and methods of procedure and practice of the judicial system, the work accomplis... |
Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission - To investigate charges arising out of the present or any prior term of office which would be the basis for retirement... |
Juvenile Justice, Advisory Committee on - Advise and assist all agencies on matters related to the prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency and the adm... |
King, Jr., Dr. Martin Luther, Memorial Commission - To identify, plan, develop, and implement appropriate programs and events that further the philosophy and memory of D... |
Land Conservation Foundation, Board of Trustees - Prepare a comprehensive plan that recognizes and seeks to implement all of the purposes for which the Foundation is c... |
Large Animal Veterinarians, Board of Veterinary Medicine to study Shortage of - The Board of Veterinary Medicine, in consultation with the State Veterinarian, be requested to study the shortage of ... |
Legislative Support Commission - To supervise the printing and distribution of bills, resolutions, joint resolutions, House documents, Senate document... |
Local Government Fiscal Stress, Joint Subcommittee on - The goals and objectives of the Joint Subcommittee will be to review (i) savings opportunities from increased regiona... |
Maintaining Campus Safety and First Amendment Expression, House Select Committee on - To understand policies in place at Virginia's colleges and universities for allowing students to exercise their prote... |
Manufacturing Development Commission - To assess needs and formulate legislative and regulatory remedies to ensure the future of the manufacturing sector. |
Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures, Task Force on - The Task Force on Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures is established for the purpose of evaluating maternal hea... |
MEI Project Approval Commission - To review financing for individual incentive packages for Major Employment and Investment projects to be financed by ... |
Metro Reform Commission - There is hereby created the Metro Reform Commission. The Commission shall consist of four members appointed as follo... |
Military Advisory Council, Virginia - Provide for direct communications between the Commonwealth and the armed forces of the United States, and to advise t... |
Modeling and Simulation Advisory Council - To advise the Governor on policy and funding priorities to promote the modeling
and simulation industry in the Commo... |
National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board - The Transportation Planning Board is the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Metropolitan Washington Area resp... |
New College Institute Board - Seek to diversify the region's economy by engaging the resources of other institutions of higher education, public an... |
Northern Virginia Growing Needs of Public Transit Joint Subcommittee - To study long-term, sustainable, dedicated operations and capital funding as well as
cost-containment controls and s... |
Northern Virginia Transportation Authority - Prepare a regional transportation plan for Planning District Eight to include transportation improvements of regional... |
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission - Manage and control the functions, affairs, and property of the Northern Virginia Transportation District. |
Online Virginia Network Authority - The Online Virginia Network Authority (the Authority) is established as a political subdivision of the Commonwealth f... |
Opioid Abatement Authority - The purpose of the Authority is to abate and remediate the opioid epidemic in the Commonwealth through financial supp... |
Overtime Issues Review Work Group - The Secretary of Labor shall convene a work group to review overtime issues pursuant to
§ 40.1-29.2 of the Code of V... |
Pandemic Response and Preparedness Joint Subcommittee - To study pandemic response and preparedness in the Commonwealth |
Parent Data Portal Advisory Work Group - Advise the Board of Education on the criteria for and process of procuring the goods and services necessary to implem... |
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders (PANS) Associated with Streptococcal Infections and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANDAS), Advisory Council on - There is hereby created in the executive branch of state government the Advisory Council on
Pediatric Autoimmune Ne... |
Percentage of Charitable Gaming Receipts to be Used for Required Purposes, Joint Subcommittee to Study - The joint subcommittee is charged with analyzing and making recommendations, as appropriate, regarding (i) the percen... |
Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission - Manage and control the functions, affairs and property of the Potomac Rappahannock Transportation District. |
Potomac River Basin Commission - Abatement of existing pollution and the control of future pollution of interstate streams located within the Potomac ... |
Public Private Partnership Advisory Commission - The purpose of the Commission shall be to advise responsible public entities that are agencies or institutions of the... |
Public Private Partnership Oversight Committee - Review and approve the terms of contracts under § 58.1-202.2 relating to the measurement of the revenue attributable ... |
Rappahannock River Basin Commission - Provide guidance for the stewardship and enhancement of the water quality and natural resources of the Rappahannock R... |
Reapportionment Committee Joint - Supervise activities required for the tabulation of population for the census and the timely reception of precinct po... |
Recreational Facilities Authority, Virginia - To (i) provide a high quality recreational attraction in the western part of the Commonwealth; (ii) expand the histor... |
Redistricting Commission, Virginia - The Virginia Redistricting Commission is established in the legislative branch of state government. It shall be conve... |
Regulations, The State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Work Group on - The Department shall convene a work group to propose additional regulations to allow for the
use of (i) evidence-bas... |
Research & Technology Investment Advisory Committee (RTIAC) - The Advisory Committee shall be administered by and advise the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority. |
Roanoke Higher Education Authority - To expand access to higher education in the Roanoke Valley by providing for adult and continuing education and degree... |
Roanoke River Basin Advisory Committee, Virginia - Assist the Roanoke River Basin Bi-State Commission in fulfilling their duties and carrying out the objectives of the ... |
Roanoke River Bi-State Commission, Virginia Delegation of the - Provide guidance, conduct joint meetings and make recommendations regarding the use, stewardship and enhancement of t... |
Rural and Small Town Health Care, House Select Committee on Advancing - To study challenges faced by rural counties and small towns in accessing quality health care, including workforce iss... |
Rural Virginia Board of Trustees, Frank M. Ruff, Jr. Center for - Sustain economic growth in the rural areas of the Commonwealth. |
School Health Services Committee - To review and provide advice to the General Assembly and other policy makers regarding proposals that require local s... |
Secure and Resilient Commonwealth Panel - To monitor and assess the implementation of statewide prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery initiatives an... |
Senate Agriculture Conservation and Natural Resources - Meets on Thursday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning agriculture; ai... |
Senate Commerce & Labor - Meets on Monday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider all
matters concerning banking; co... |
Senate Courts of Justice - Meets on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters relat... |
Senate Education & Health - Meets on Thursday mornings when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning education; human ... |
Senate Finance and Appropriations - Meets on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning audi... |
Senate General Laws and Technology - Meets on Monday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning affirmation and b... |
Senate Privileges & Elections - Meets on Tuesday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning voting; apportio... |
Senate Rehabilitation & Social Services - Meets Friday mornings during session. To consider matters concerning alcoholic beverages; correctional and penal
i... |
Senate Rules - Meets upon the call of the Chair during session. The Committee shall consider all resolutions amending or altering t... |
Senate Transportation - Meets on Wednesday afternoons when the General Assembly is in session. To consider matters concerning airports; airs... |
Services for Survivors of Sexual Assault, Task Force on - Develops model treatment and transfer plans for use by transfer hospitals, treatment hospitals, and pediatric health ... |
Sexual and Domestic Violence, Advisory Committee on - The Advisory Committee is an advisory committee in the executive branch of state government. The Advisory Committee s... |
Small Business Commission - To study, report and make recommendations on issues of concern to small businesses in the Commonwealth. |
Small Business Environmental Compliance Advisory Panel - Render advisory opinions concerning the effectiveness of the Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environme... |
Solar Energy Development and Energy Storage Authority - Virginia Solar Energy Development and Energy Storage Authority is created as a a political subdivision with only thos... |
Southern States Energy Board - Provide instruments and framework for the proper employment and conservation of energy and energy related facilities,... |
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center Board of Trustees - To encourage the expansion of higher education, including adult and continuing education, associate, undergraduate, a... |
Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation - To encourage the economic development of Southwest Virginia through the expansion of cultural heritage ventures and i... |
Southwest Virginia Energy Research and Development Authority - Creates the Southwest Virginia Energy Research and Development Authority (the Authority) to promote opportunities for... |
Southwest Virginia Health Authority - The Authority may acquire, construct, equip, establish, improve, maintain, and/or operate hospitals or health centers... |
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center Board of Trustees - Encourage and coordinate the development and delivery of continuing education programs offered by those educational i... |
Southwest Virginia Public Education Consortium Governing Board - Coordinate with those educational institutions and agencies in the Commonwealth and surrounding areas to develop join... |
Special Education and Related Services, Department of Education Advisory Committee - To support the Department of Education concerning Special Education and Related Services |
State Board of Local and Regional Jails Work Group to Review the Reduction or Elimination of Costs and Fees Charged to Inmates - To review and make recommendations regarding the reduction or elimination of costs and fees charged to inmates in loc... |
Tax Preferences, Joint Subcommittee to Evaluate - To oversee the evaluation of Virginia's tax preferences, including but not limited to tax credits, deductions, subtra... |
Teacher Education and Licensure, Advisory Board - The Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure shall advise the Board of Education and
submit recommendations... |
Technology and Science, Joint Commission on - Study all aspects of technology and science and endeavor to stimulate, encourage, promote, and assist in the developm... |
Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission - Determine the appropriate recipients of moneys in the Tobacco Region Revolving Fund and causing distribution of such ... |
Transparency in Publicly Funded Animal Testing Facilities, Task Force on - To identify potential deficiencies in publicly funded animal testing facilities, in the Commonwealth and recommending... |
Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads - The Commission prepares the transportation plan for the transportation district and revises and amends the plan in ac... |
Unemployment Compensation, Commission on - Annually monitor and evaluate Virginia's unemployment compensation system relative to the economic health of the Comm... |
Uprooting of Black Communities by Public Institutions of Higher Education in the Commonwealth, Commission to Study the History of the - To study whether any public institution of higher education has purchased, expropriated,
or otherwise taken possessi... |
Veterans' Benefits Matters Work Group - To examine and make recommendations regarding the practice of persons receiving compensation
for assisting any indiv... |
Veterans Services, Board of - Advise the Director of the Department of Veterans' Services on matters relating to veterans. |
Veterans Services Foundation, Board of Trustees - The Foundation shall (i) administer the Veterans Services Fund (the Fund), (ii) provide funding for veterans services... |
Virginia Addiction Recovery Council - Advise and make recommendations on policies and goals and on the coordination of the Commonwealth's public and privat... |
Virginia African American Advisory Board - The Virginia African American Advisory Board (the Board) is established as an advisory board in the executive branch ... |
Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program, Commission on - Administer and supervise the state system of local alcohol safety action programs, develop and maintain operation and... |
Virginia Commissioners for Promotion of Uniformity of Legislation - It shall be the duty of such Commissioners to examine subjects on which uniformity is desirable, to ascertain the bes... |
Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Authority, Board of Directors - Provide, promote, support and sponsor education, public knowledge and scientific research in medicine, public health ... |
Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth - To determine the appropriate recipients of money in the Virginia Tobacco Settlement Fund and causing distribution of ... |
Virginia Gaming Commission, Joint subcommittee to study the feasibility of establishing - To study the feasibility of establishing the Virginia Gaming Commission to regulate and oversee all forms of gaming i... |
Virginia Health Sciences Center at Old Dominion University, Board of Directors - The Board shall generally direct the affairs of the Medical School |
Virginia Housing Commission - To study and provide recommendations to ensure and foster the availability of safe, sound, and affordable housing for... |
Virginia Indian Commemorative Commission - To determine and recommend to the General Assembly an appropriate monument in Capitol Square to commemorate the life,... |
Virginia Indigent Defense Commission - To develop and publicize a list of and develop and enforce the qualification standards for attorneys seeking eligibil... |
Virginia Israel Advisory Board - Advise the Governor on ways to improve economic and cultural links between the Commonwealth and the State of Israel, ... |
Virginia Minority Business Commission - Evaluates the impact of existing statutes and proposed legislation on minority businesses, assesses the Commonwealth'... |
Virginia Retirement System, Board of Trustees - Administer the Virginia Retirement System: a retirement system for teachers, state employees, and employees of local ... |
Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind, Board of Visitors - Governing the educational programs and services to deaf, blind, and multi-disable students enrolled at the Virginia S... |
Virginia Tribes, Commission on Updating Virginia Law to Reflect Federal Recognition of, - For the purpose of performing a comprehensive review of Virginia law to assess ways in which it must be revised to re... |
Volunteer Firefighter's and Rescue Squad Worker's Service Award Fund Board - With the assistance of the Virginia Retirement System - to establish, invest, and maintain the Volunteer Firefighter'... |
Water Commission, State - Study all aspects of water supply and allocation problems in the Commonwealth. |
Western Virginia Public Education Consortium - Coordinate with organizations and agencies providing programs and services to Consortium schools division to reduce d... |
Women of Virginia, Commemorative Commission to Honor the Contributions of the - The Commission shall determine and recommend to the General Assembly an appropriate monument in Capitol Square to com... |
Women's Monument, Commission for the Continuing Preservation and Development of the Virginia - To review names submitted for inclusion on the Wall of Honor |
Workforce Development, Secretary of Labor Work Group on - For the purpose of advising the Secretary during the program transition period from July 1, 2023, through September 3... |
Workforce Development, Virginia Board of - Assist the Governor in meeting workforce training needs in the Commonwealth. |
Youth, Commission on - Study and provide recommendations addressing the needs of and services to the Commonwealth's youths and their families. |